Current owner searches

Current owner searches

Current owner search is a condensed version in that we do not have to go back in chain of history of property. There are, of course, exceptions to every rule. If property was owned by husband and wife then conveyed to wife as result of a divorce, then we would search from the earliest date of ownership. That is why you want a professional searching your title, we know how to determine what dates to use for our research.

We are thorough in our search work. What is amazing is we continue to learn and see different documents and filings in our research. We didn’t even mention challenge of learning each office’s indexing tricks. BUYERS BEWARE, don’t try this type of research on your own. We recommend purchasing title insurance to protect your investment.

Email us or if you prefer, call 724.832.8683 M-F 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  to speak with an associate.
